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Reasons to Get a Dog Coat for Your Canine
Does your dog really need a coat? Contrary to popular belief, the purpose of a dog coat is not just making your dog look stylish; it has a variety of other benefits. Dog coats are sweaters for your dogs in the winters. Not only this, there are many...
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A Basic Guide To Horse Hoof Care
The structure of the horse’s feet is naturally designed to support its body weight. Therefore, taking care of horse hooves is essential to ensure its long term well-being. Routine foot care is extremely vital as any possible issues with the hooves...
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A Guide to Feeding an Orphan Foal
Feeding a newborn foal properly is essential as it has a profound impact on the health of the horse for the rest of its life. Foals have a very rapid growth rate, and most foals reach about 50% of their weight and height by the age of six months. A...
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Common Horse Hoof Ailments and Their Treatment
As a horse owner, it is your responsibility to take care of your horse’s limb condition to ensure balanced mobility and overall well-being. Any injury, disease or damage can greatly affect the general health of the horse and make it worse with time.
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