5 Must-Have Gardening Tools

5 Must-Have Gardening Tools
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5 Must-Have Gardening Tools

Gardening is not just a hobby to pass time but it is also beneficial for your health. Just like jogging and swimming, gardening can reduce the risk of stroke and heart diseases. It burns calories and makes you feel light and refreshed. Being surrounded by flowers and fresh produce helps you relax and contribute to making you generally happier and satisfied with your life.

Every hobbyist who loves to spend time in their garden and marvel at the natural beauty of plants and flowers knows the importance of right gardening tools. These tools not only make gardening easier and more productive but they can also make your gardening activities much more fun and interesting.

Let’s have a look at some garden tools that all plant lovers must have in their sheds.

1. Clearing garden Tools

Sure, a clearing tool looks like a sci-fi ninja weapon but it is, in fact, a very versatile tool that is designed for cutting, trimming and sawing. Whether you use it for trimming shoots and stems, sawing branches or cutting vines, this all-in-one tool works to ease all your gardening activities. Furthermore, it can also be used for severing overgrown roots. This makes it one of the most useful tools that can help you take your hobby to the next level.

2. Digging Spade

Can you imagine planting a garden without a digging spade? Probably not! Spade is easily the most basic gardening tool. If you don’t own a spade, you can forget about planting anything larger than your fist. Keep in mind that is easy to confuse a spade with a shovel.

An easy way to distinguish between them is to notice the shape of the metal part. Spades have a flat tip. On the other hand, if the tip is round and slightly pointy, you have a shovel. The major difference between these two common gardening tools is that a spade is used for digging while a shovel is used for scooping.

3. Loppers

A pair of loppers can save you so much trouble! Bring them out when you are cutting branches the size of your finger of bigger. The large blades of loppers offer more leverage than almost any other tool used for cutting branches.

4. Pruners

A pruner is a handy friend to have around in your garden. It is used to deadhead flowerbed and to cut pliable stems and twigs. Currently, different types of pruners are available in the market. You can get a Bypass pruner for trimming stems or a Ratchet pruner to multiply the ratchet action. It allows you to cut stems of up to 4 – 5 inches in diameter.

5. Garden Rake

So, spring is around the corner and you are ready to plant your garden but the soil is hard, dry and lumpy. That’s where a garden rake comes in. This multipurpose tool is used to prep the soil of your garden before you plant new seeds. Other than that, it excels at tasks like leveling mulch and scratching hard-packed soil.

So, are you going to get these garden tools to take your gardening to the next level?