A Complete Guide to Poultry House Lightning

A Complete Guide to Poultry House Lightning
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A Complete Guide to Poultry House Lightning

Light is one of the most critical aspects of egg production. If your poultry farm is not getting the right heat an lightning, the eggs will either crack before time or not develop properly. While the natural sunlight is good enough for the day, you also need to keep your chicks under monitored indoor light.

LED bulbs that are specifically used for poultry houses are safe from any harmful rays, and fully ensure that both the mother and the eggs are resting in a thriving space. There is a variety of infra-red bulbs that are perfect offer some an indoor day and night environment to your young and tender flocks.

However, before you get a bulb for the poultry house, it’s important to understand how your pullet respond to UVA light. Here’s a practical guide to poultry lightning that can help you adjust the duration and intensity accordingly.

Understanding the Poultry Environment

As compared to humans, hens can see a greater range of light. They can respond to a large colour spectrum because of which UVA bulbs are the best for them. They have an entirely different spectral intensity, which makes them see UVA light 315-750 nm. Humans, on the other hand can only see 400-750 nm.

For this reason, chickens are extremely sensitive to both blue and red spectra. They have a complex and highly efficient optical system through which they can detect light, which in turn influences their behaviour, sexual maturity, appetite, and egg production. For this reason, with the right levels of light, you can control the egg production, egg weight, and pullet growth in your laying hens.

The Poultry Farm Lightning System

The lightning system of your poultry farm will depend on duration and intensity of the light bulbs. As far as duration is concerned, during the hatching season, you will only require low light duration because the eggs need energy only to stimulate and soften its layers. The ideal time to keep your eggs under light is 16 hours as that helps the eggs reach their peak production swiftly.

When it comes to light intensity, you will be needing more than 5 lux – a measure of light intensity- to stimulate any growth and egg production. The egg shells are extremely sensitive to light and if they don’t receive the right intensity, they won’t grow or worse develop weak shells.

Sometimes, the poultry eggs will only require heat and no light during the peak production. You need to use infra-red bulbs that exclusively deliver heat without destroying the nutrients in the animal’s body, especially vitamin B.

Figure out what stage of the eggs production your poultry has reached and install lightning accordingly. Adjust the spectrum, heat, duration, and intensity to ensure that the eggs hatch in the healthiest possible way.

The biggest benefit of poultry light bulbs is that they are extremely precise, reliable, and can quickly adjust to your hens’ needs. Whether they’re currently laying eggs or are anticipating the hatching season, adjustable infra-red bulbs are infinitely better than sunlight because they give you more control.

For the best light bulbs that are both reliable, practical, and economical, head to Little Fields Farm and find animal-friendly lighting. And catch more amazing poultry products, here!