Doff Tomato Feed Concentrate

Doff Tomato Feed Concentrate
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Doff Tomato Feed Concentrate

Tomatoes are one of the common plants for the garden enthusiasts to grow at home. Your experience, however, can turn into a complete disaster if you don’t carry out sufficient measures to protect these small, fast-growing plants.

While bad weather or late disfigurement is completely beyond your control, there are a lot of things that you can do to improve the growth of your tomato plant. Tomatoes, need large containers to germinate and consistent water supply to grow, they need adequate feed as well to ensure healthy growth. Aside from using the right potting mix, you need to provide your tomato plant consistent supply of organic feed and fertilisers as well which can ensure that the nutrient requirement of the plant is adequately met.

Doff Tomato Feed Concentrate is a perfectly balanced tomato food that comprises of seaweed and magnesium to promote the production of top quality tomatoes with enriching flavour.

Why Is Doff Tomato Feed Concentrate Beneficial for Your Tomato Plants?

Doff Tomato Feed has proven to be highly effective in yielding healthy and full-of-flavour tomatoes. It is effectual for both domestic and commercial cultivation. The ideal balance of nutrients including phosphorous, nitrogen and potassium, along with seaweed and magnesium serve in the strong and healthy growth of plants.

Some of the benefits of Doff Tomato Feed Concentrate are enlisted underneath:

  • Promotes strong and vigorous growth.
  • Yields plenty of flowers and fruits.
  • Ensures larger and more frequent blooms
  • High potash consistency ensures maximum growth with more flavour and bigger-sized crops.
  • It can be used for both outdoor and domestic tomatoes.

How Can You Use Doff Tomato Feed?

One 500ml bottle of Doff Tomato Feed can sufficiently make up to 150 litres of tomato feed, providing you greater value. You can apply Doff Tomato Feed on your indoor and outdoor tomato plants once the flowers are beginning to appear. Follow these simple instructions to use the feed effectually.

  1. Mix 20ml or 1 capful of Doff Tomato Feed Concentrate in 4.5 litres or 1 gallon of water.
  2. Apply the liquid feed on the soil around the base of your tomato plant until it is saturated.
  3. Avoid getting the foliage wet.

You can use Doff Tomato Feed for other plants, like roses, fruit trees, and garden plants, as well.

How to Order?

Little Fields Farm offers delivery of Doff Tomato Feed Concentrate to over 19 countries across Europe. Get your order within 3 to 4 working days by following a simple order placement process and choosing your preferred shipping and payment method. For more information on the healthy growth of your plants, contact us today. We provide the best gardening products delivered at your doorstep.