Equestrian Essentials: Decoding the Rider’s Wardrobe

Equestrian Essentials: Decoding the Rider’s Wardrobe
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Equestrian Essentials: Decoding the Rider’s Wardrobe

What should you wear for your first riding lesson? What is the dress code for competitions? How do horse riders dress so elegantly?

If you are like us, these questions may have crossed your minds at least once in your lifetime. You can’t deny that equestrians are some of the most sophisticated dressers out there.

Is this because the Royals are fond of the sport? Or is it something else?

Well, for starters just like any sports, horse riding has a set of rules you must follow. One of them involves the rider’s wardrobe. This is why most equestrians don similar equipment on the grounds.

This dress code is not only vital for competitions but is a great safety measure for beginners too. This is because the no-fuss wardrobe allows you to enjoy your riding without getting tangled up in your clothes.

More importantly, it allows you to focus on your riding technique.

Do You Want to Dress Like a Rider?

Then have a look at our checklist below:

1. Hat

The BHS (British Horse Society) states that,

‘You only get one head, look after it!’

This is why a proper safety helmet is a necessity while riding. Experienced riders know that no matter how good they are, there are chances they might topple off the horse when the roads are slippery or the reins are loose.

Even if you are learning the ropes, you need to have a helmet on to protect your head from any injury in case you lose balance.

2. Footwear

The next essential is a sturdy pair of shoes.

Your footwear determines your balance on the horse. Therefore, heels higher than 1.5 inches are strictly off limits. The small heels prevent you from slipping and help you to fix your feet on the stirrups.

Official riding boots are your best option if you plan to join the professional league some day.

3. Leg wear

Most cowboy movies show riders wearing jeans. Yet, this option only looks good on the reel.

In real life, jeans tend to feel itchy and uncomfortable after a few hours on the ride. That is why we recommend that you opt for tight-fitted leg wear like jodhpurs or breeches.

4. Tops

It is vital that you pick something that allows flexibility. Riders usually choose well-fitted shirts, polo shirts or tight sweaters (during winters). Official riding jackets are also seen as a good investment by many new riders.

5. Accessories

We suggest that you keep your accessories to a bare minimum. A wedding ring or a watch is as far as you must go.

However, we advise that you buy a pair of gloves. They protect your hands from blisters and sores you get due to the holding the reins.

Are you are looking for some safe and comfortable riding gear?

Need a Suggestion?

Little Fields Farm has a section of equestrian essentials that have been trimmed and tailored for your riding needs. From riding hatsbreeches to jodhpurs you can find everything you need right here!