Equestrian Essentials: Why Should You Wear a Helmet?

Equestrian Essentials:  Why Should You Wear a Helmet?
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Equestrian Essentials: Why Should You Wear a Helmet?

Do you wear a helmet while you ride your horse?

Probably not, right? It might be because you are under the impression that only newbies wear the helmet. Or you think the helmet is too tight and stuffy for your ‘free as the wind’ riding hours with the horse. In addition to that, there are many people who feel that they have trained their horses well.

But the only problem is that even perfectly trained horses are prone to accidents. That is because the paths and trails are unpredictable. You may come upon a wasps nest, hear a hunting session in progress or maybe stumble upon an overlooked barrier. Not to mention the bad weather and uneven landscape of some trails. Now, since horses are known to be flighty creatures, they are bound to run off as soon as something out of their ordinary happens. Once they do that, you will be left behind with a bump on your head or will be found dangling by the reins.

In both these cases, you are exposed to some very painful head injuries. Getting hurt like that is no fun and it will only remind you to think ‘if only you had worn a helmet…’

Are you still making excuses?

Here are some reasons as to why you should wear a helmet while riding:

1.Staggering Statistics

Did you know? Statistics show that horseback riding has almost the same amount of head injuries per hour as those caused by riding a motorcycle. That means even if you think horse riding isn’t as dangerous as driving a bike, the reality is quite the opposite.

Moreover, hospital records show that when riders come in the ER after a riding accident. Approximately 15% of them have a head injury. These facts and figures highlight how important it is for you to wear a riding helmet at all costs. After all, it is better to be safe than sorry!

2.Hairy Situations

Your helmet may mess up your hair but your hair always messes up your riding. This is true in windy weathers when your hair is blowing all over your face. Or during pouring rain when the wet hair stick to your face and your drenched scalp makes you shiver more than necessary.

In these situations, wearing a helmet would be better than trying to fix your hair. That is because even tight ponytails and braids don’t restrain the loose strands that annoy you during riding. On the other hand, a helmet will ensure that your hair is tucked safely under its confinement. Moreover, it will also protect you from getting a migraine due to constant exposure to the sun.

3.Last but Not the Least

Like we mentioned at the beginning of this post, Accidents can happen anytime, anyplace to the calmest of horse you own. These unforeseen situations are impossible to overcome even if you have years of experience. Thus, it is better to wear a helmet than lose your head over a freak accident. After all, you only get one head, so it is better to keep it safe and secure!

Need some protective gear?

Then ride over to Little Fields Farm. We have a stunning collection of horse riding helmets and caps. Not only will they protect your head but they will also keep your riding sessions fashionably forward.