Fish Food: The Key to Keep Your Fish Happy

Fish Food: The Key to Keep Your Fish Happy
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Fish Food: The Key to Keep Your Fish Happy

What is your fish feeding routine?

Do you sprinkle the fish food and run? Or do you carefully watch your fish swim up to the food and gobble it up in a matter of seconds?

It doesn’t matter to the fish if you watch them eat or quickly dash away after serving them, what they do care about is what you feed them. This is because the key to healthy happy fish is twofold, a well-balanced meal and a clean environment.

While many people pay meticulous attention to cleaning the tanks, they tend to forget all about picking the suitable food for their aquatic pets.

This results in weak, unhealthy fish that loses colour and often has a shorter lifespan.

If you have never paid attention to what exactly you are feeding the fish, then enlighten yourself with these tips:

The Food Chain

Do you know your food chain?

The one that categorized the animals in three different types according to their diets: the herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. Most people do not realize that these sections aren’t restricted to land-dwellers, fish fall under any category too!

This is why before choosing their next meal; make sure you know what kind of food they eat. Why is this important? Well, how would you feel if you got a salad instead of the steak you ordered?

Sink or Float?

There are two varieties of fish food pellets available in the market: the one that floats on the surface and the one that takes a deep dive and hits rock bottom. Just like there is a difference in the kind of food the fish eat, there is also a distinction in the way they want to be served.

Mixing it Up

You know how you get bored eating the same sandwich for lunch each day? Your fish feel the same way about the pellets you throw at them.

In the past, people either served live feed to their aquatic friends, or they self-made a mix of food they had found lying in their pantry like crushed cereal, dried up vegetables and what not.

In this day and age, you cannot hide under excuses; you need to stock up your pantry with the assorted variety of food that many shops have to offer. In fact, you should feed your fish a nutritious balanced diet that is made just for them.

Little Field Farms offers a wide range of aquatic products that keep your fish healthy and happy! They have everything from pond sticks to tropical food that gets those fish tingling with joy.