Horse Grooming Gear Checklist: Do You Have Everything your Horse Needs?

Horse Grooming Gear Checklist: Do You Have Everything your Horse Needs?
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Horse Grooming Gear Checklist: Do You Have Everything your Horse Needs?

Every horse owner, trainer, rider and breeder knows that for horses to perform their best; they must be cleaned and groomed regularly. If you are a passionate rider and have recently purchased your first horse, this blog will be of great help to you. In this blog we are going to list the essentials to compiling a basic grooming kit for beginners.

Horse Grooming Checklist

Bot Knife

A bot knife comes with a curved blade aimed to get rid of any botfly eggs that measure up to the size of a sand particle. If not removed, the horse may lick it and swallow which will later hatch in its stomach and cause stomach issues.

Sweat Scraper

As the name suggests a sweat scraper removes the sweat from the horse’s skin after riding. It can also remove excess water after you bathe your horse.

A bucket

A bucket that can easily hold at least 2 gallons of water is also an essential item in horse grooming checklist. It will come extremely handy during baths as you can easily make the shampoo mixture in it.


Having blankets, especially if you live in an area that is cold, will keep your horse warm and safe from viral infections such as flu and fever. At the same time, it will also protect your horse’s skin from fleas and parasites.


Conditioners are also important as they prevent hair fall. There are many leave-in conditioner sprays to keep the hair on your horse’s nape and tail detangled and shiny.


Every horse grooming kit must have two sponges. One to clean the horse’s body and the other to clean its eyes, ears and other sensitive areas.

Mane Comb

This comb helps detangle the mane hair once large tangles have been remove using fingers. This brushing ritual also works as a massage for many horses.


A towel, also referred to as a stable rubber is used to pat dry the horse’s skin after a bath or excessive sweating. This comes with super-absorbent qualities to wipe off as much moisture as possible from the horse’s coat.


A curry-comb has plastic or rubber teeth on one side and a handle on the other for the groomer. The curry-comb loosens dirt and debris that has found solace in the horse’s hair and brings them to the surface and also stimulates the natural oils released from the horse’s skin.

Dandy Brush

Once dirt and debris come onto the surface, a dandy brush’s stiff brittles are used to remove it.

Soft Body Brush

This brush removes dirt and debris from the sensitive parts of the horse such as inner legs and the face. The bristles are made using goat/horse hair or synthetic fiber.

Hoof Pick

A hoof pick has a flat metal surface with a handle attached to it. It is used to clean the hoof of the horse. If the hoofs aren’t cleaned regularly, the accumulation of dirt can make the horse sluggish or cause infections.

At Little Fields Farm, we stock each of these items on our online store. These can also be bought in a kit form. If interested in one that is economical, lives up to the test and fulfils the purpose, we believe we have some great horse grooming kits to recommend.