Keep Your Poultry Cool and Hydrated This Summer with These Easy Tips

Keep Your Poultry Cool and Hydrated This Summer with These Easy Tips
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Keep Your Poultry Cool and Hydrated This Summer with These Easy Tips

Summer is in full swing and just like you need to keep yourself well hydrated to survive the hot weather, your chickens need it too!

Chickens can tolerate cold much better than they can deal with extreme heat. Water is essential to keep them cool and safe from heat strokes.

Here are some easy ways you can use to keep your poultry hydrated and happy in the hot weather.

Keep Water Available at All Times and Ice It When Necessary

The first and most important thing you need is to ensure 24/7 clean water supply for your chicken. It’s good to have a suitably sized chicken drinker placed in the coop or pen.However, in addition to that, you can keep shallow water dishes or bowls so that fresh water is always within their reach.

When the temperature rises too high, add ice cubes in the drinkers and dishes. Adding crushed mint leaves into the water is also great for keeping them cool.

Get a Misting Attachment

Use a mister in the chicken coop or the favourite day time spot in your yard. It can significantly reduce the ground and air temperature.

As an alternative, you can hang frozen water jugs in front of swinging fans to create a misting effect.

Also provide shade to your chickens using a tarp, roof, or banana leaves to keep them away from direct sunlight.

The Summer Special Frozen Treats

Treat your chickens with cold frozen foods during the summer season. Frozen water melon is always a hit with them. Other favourites include chopped and frozen pineapples, bananas, apples, cucumbers and strawberries. Chickens also enjoy fruit and yogurt combination.

Heavy feed based on corn and scratch should be avoided during summer as the prolonged digestion can raise their body temperature.

Make Summer Pools

Even though chickens usually don’t like getting wet but the heat may make them want to cool off. So create water puddles or pools using tubs or dishes so the chickens can enjoy a little pool time.

Do this only once a day in the early hours of the afternoon.

Ice Jugs

Freeze water in large jugs and set them at the favourite spot during day hours. Chickens can lean against them to cool off whenever the temperature spikes. It’s better to keep these jugs under shaded areas for a prolonged cooling solution.

With these tips and tricks, we hope your chickens will stay cool, healthy and producing throughout the scorching summer heat.

If you’re looking for the best chicken drinkers and other poultry tools and equipment, head to Little Farms Field. We have a wide variety of drinkers, feeders, egg incubators, hatchers, brooders and much more. Visit us to get all your poultry care needs fulfilled.