Mane and Tail: Your Guide for Horse Care

Mane and Tail: Your Guide for Horse Care
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Mane and Tail: Your Guide for Horse Care

Do you agree that the beauty of a horse lies in their glorious mane?

Whether they are black beauties, whimsical white or earthy brown ones, all horses are proud of their silky smooth manes that shine under the sun.

Except when they don't!

All equestrians know that factors like dust, harsh sunlight and the strenuous training many horses go through each day tends to drain them out and make their coats all dirty.

While a healthy diet may bring back their energy, the might never get back their shine if you do not do something about it.

So what do you do? Simply washing them with water cannot clean the dirt that has embedded itself in the roots of their hair.

Do you use soap and water then?

No, no, no! Do not dare to make the mistake of applying normal soap on your horse's back; they have a very sensitive skin which might react adversely to your poor choice of products.

Is there no solution to your problem?

Actually, there is! Little Fields Farm has just the thing you need to clean your horses, they have a large selection of horse care products that will make every equestrians dream come true.

Here is a brief overview of just a few of the amazing products that they have in stock:

1. Lillidale Cooling Body Wash

A tall drink of water can never fully cool the panting horse down, so why not try this cooling body wash that helps your horse to beat the heat in those hot humid summer days.

2. Groom Away Colour Enhancing Shampoo

Who wouldn't want their set of horses to have the most glorious manes in the arena? This nifty shampoo does just that by improving the colour of those dull, worn out horse manes.

3. Groom Away Lavender Wash

Do you love horses but hate the smell? Don't worry we have an amazing supply of scented shampoos like this lavender one that erases the smell of those hayfields and sweat that follows these gorgeous beasts around.

This is just a sneak peak of what there is in the market; you can grab different bottles of conditioners and sets of well-crafted brushes to make this a full salon experience for your favourite animal.

Using these horse care products to pamper your horses and keep them freshly scented, clean and happy!