Phostrogen – All Purpose Plant Food

Phostrogen – All Purpose Plant Food
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Phostrogen – All Purpose Plant Food

If you are a gardening enthusiast, maintaining the balance of your soil might just be one of the more frequent concerns you have.

The good news is that if you keep up with regular compositing of your garden soil, then you may not require garden fertiliser per se.

But don’t get too excited just yet; where compositing can contribute extensively to improving your soil, it is not sufficient enough to provide the nutrients that a garden fertiliser does. A garden fertiliser is able to add essential nutrients to the plants such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Phostrogen is a formulated all-purpose soluble feed that can be used as an organic fertiliser to maintain a healthy garden. It comprises a balanced amount of nitrogen, potassium, phosphate, and other essential trace elements.

These nutrients ensure the healthy growth of your garde. Phostrogen is effective for all kinds of garden plants including edible crops, fruit trees, young plants, and houseplants.

shop the phostrogen range

Why Use Phostrogen?

Phostrogen is a well-balanced plant food that provides all the necessary nutrients that are essential for healthy plant growth. It constitutes organic components that are beneficial for your garden and are sans any negative impact.

The major benefits of Phostrogen are:

  • It is easily dissolvable in water.
  • The nitrogen in the soluble food promotes healthy green foliage.
  • It promotes the development of flowers and fruit.
  • It helps in making the plants resistant towards disease and conditions like drought.
  • Phostrogen strengthens the root system of the plant, promoting its healthier growth.
  • This organic fertiliser can be used for all sorts of plants, indoor and outdoor.

How to Apply Phostrogen?

Phostrogen – All Purpose Plant Food is extremely easy to use. All you have to do is follow these three simple steps:

  1. Measure Phostrogen – All Purpose Plant Food into a watering can.
  2. Dilute the feed with water.
  3. Apply the solution generously around the roots and the extended reaches of foliage.

You can also use this feed in powder form and can apply 2oz of Phostrogen powder per square yard. This can be effectual as soil dressing in spring and summer.

How to Purchase Phostrogen?

You can easily get your supply of Phostrogen – All Purpose Plant Food by visiting our website, Little Fields Farm. You can place the order by following a one-step check-out process and choosing your preferred shipping and payment method. You will get your order of Phostrogen – All Purpose Plant Food within 3 to 4 working days.

So if you are still wondering about how to regain the beauty of your garden and maintain healthy growth of your plants, contact us today to have the best gardening products delivered at your doorstep.