Producing Omega-3 Eggs

Producing Omega-3 Eggs
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Producing Omega-3 Eggs

Walk into any grocery store and notice how distinct omega-3 eggs are from other conventional eggs. The label of Omega-3 is usually given to imply greater amount of healthy fats and nutrition in eggs that can offer improved health. The consumption of these eggs has been clinically proven to offer less risk of cardiovascular diseases and illnesses, weight loss, among other benefits. If you are a farmer who is interested in raising omega-3 eggs to enhance your business potential, this post offers the necessary information and pointers.

How Omega-3 eggs differ from conventional eggs?

Eggs that are branded with the Omega-3 label are ones in which the chickens have been enriched with Omega-3 fatty acids. These are found in many natural sources such as nut oils, plants and in halibut and tuna fish. The concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in eggs depends on how much it is added into chicken feed.

Regular, conventional eggs, on the other hand, do not contain such high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and as a result do not offer the same health advantages. In fact, a 2008 study on the effects of omega-3 eggs in comparison with regular eggs on health found that, over a 30 day period, the former led to decreased blood glucose and bad cholesterol levels and improved good cholesterol levels.

Many farmers are now raising omega-3 eggs to improve their returns. Owing to the greater health awareness, the higher price of such eggs over conventional eggs is proving to be worth it, giving farmers greater earnings.

How to Produce Omega-3 Eggs?

If you are keen on producing omega-3 eggs, the following are a few things you have to ensure.

Choose the right chicken feed supplements

Seeing that the health effects of eggs are directly influenced by the health of chickens you raise, giving the right feed is the most important step. Chickens that are fed flaxseeds, for instance, tend to have a higher omega-3 fat count in their eggs that those that are not. Upon digestion, the flaxseed’s ALA becomes converted into DHA and fats that accumulate in the yolk.

You can also choose to give fish oil to increase the omega-3 count. Oils of fish, such as tuna, can be a great means of boosting the concentration of omega-3 fatty acids.

Raise chickens on pasture

Chickens that are pastured have a greater amount of omega-3 fatty acids. This is pasture herbs and flowers, such as weeds, have a higher omega-3 fat count than seeds. Pasture, such as purslane, alfalfa and clovers, for example, are rich in calcium, proteins and carotene than normal grass.

Opt for Organic feed

Organic feed will be crucial for producing omega-3 eggs since it will be free of chemicals and other processed ingredients and provide better nutrition. Giving your chickens a healthy supply of organic feed, such as scratch gains, starter crumbles and layer pellets will make your chickens healthier and their eggs higher in omega-3 fats.