Something’s Fishy: How to Maintain Your Fish Tanks?

Something’s Fishy:  How to Maintain Your Fish Tanks?
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Something’s Fishy: How to Maintain Your Fish Tanks?

Fish are said to be low-maintenance pets.

However, this doesn’t mean that you leave them swimming there without care or attention. In fact, things can go haywire pretty quickly if you have a hands-off routine for your fish keeping.

Apart from their feeding routines, you must have a proper cleaning schedule for the tank. Otherwise, your fish will be swimming deep in murky, toxic waters in no time.

Here are the three major steps you need to take to maintain your fish’s home:

1. The Water Change: How Often Do You Change the Water?

The water parameters and conditions in the fish tank can drastically change. Due to this, it is widely encouraged to change waters every other week. One trick is to change at least 20% of the water on a weekly basis and then the whole thing monthly.

Moreover, you can use water treatments to manage the chemical composition and pH levels of the tank.

2. The Filtration: Is Your Filter Working?

Filters are an essential part of a clean and clear water tank. That is why you must put one up before your fish arrive.

Apart from that, you have to make sure that your filter is working properly at all times or else your water might get cloudy. Even if the water is crystal clear, you need to clean the filter on weekly basis. Remove any blockage or accumulated dirt when you encounter it. This is because ignoring filter problems can risk the life of your water-loving creatures.

What is the filter isn’t working? Don’t be cheap and replace faulty filters as soon as you can.

3. The Complete Clean Out: Are You Ready to Get Your Hands Dirty?

You may not know this but your aquarium is getting dirty by the minute. The water may be clear but fresh debris, fish droppings, debris, and decayed fish may be lurking at the bottom of the tank. That is why it is important for you to take out some time to clear the whole tank.

It is advised that you do a thorough cleaning of the tank each month.

In the end, remember that you have built a small ecosystem for the aquatic pets. It is your responsibility to keep it clean.

What Else?

Here are some other things to keep in mind if you own a fish or two:

Overfeeding the fish is highly reckless. That is because the fish won’t eat anything if it’s hungry. This means your feed will sink down the bottom to become waste in a matter of minutes.

Check the temperature of the aquarium when you change the water.

Make sure to count your fish regularly. You don’t want a dead fish stinking the tank or becoming fish food.

Huh! Looks like fish aren’t that low-maintenance after all.

What do you think?

Need Some Help?

Did you know? Little Fields Farm has a special section just for the fish folks. So feel free to surf our stock of the aquatic food and water treatment supplies.

So what are you waiting for? Start cleaning up your fish tanks right away!