Autumn Pest Infestation in Your Garden
The crops in the autumn season need extra time to ripe as they don't receive enough sunlight. The least you would ask in this situation is a garden free of insect infestation.
2019-12-12 13:22:00
The crops in the autumn season need extra time to ripe as they don't receive enough sunlight. The least you would ask in this situation is a garden free of insect infestation.
Slugs are annoying pests mostly found in damp grounds near shaded plants and vegetation. If growing shaded plants is your hobby, then there is a high likelihood that slugs are your worst enemy.
Summer may be a vibrant season, bursting with flowers, vegetables, and fruits, but it’s also a thriving time for pest growth. Pests, insects, and plant pathogens are every gardener’s nightmare. Along with using strong pesticides, there are other protective measures that you can take to ward off their growth.