Posts tagged 'red mites'

Poultry Problems: What Are Red Mites? How Do You Stop Them?

Is your chicken coop crawling with red mites?

Are you sure?

Red mites create havoc in the feathered flock’s life. Due to this, they are the most feared parasites in a poultry farming community.

2018-10-23 23:00:00

Red Mite: Defeating A Chicken Farmer’s Biggest Enemy

Red mites are easily the biggest problem that most new chicken farmers will face. The problem with a red mite infestation is that often there are no obvious signs until it is too late.

2017-06-18 23:00:00

Keeping Red Mite at Bay

Red mites continue to be one of the most irritating things a chicken farmer will face. The reason they are such a big problem is that they only have a seven-day life cycle.

2017-06-18 23:00:00

Who Else Is Living In Your Chickens’ House?

While chicken keeping is an entertaining and rewarding hobby and can also be adopted for commercial purposes, it is not a piece of cake. It makes you responsible for taking care of your flock; not only for providing them food, housing and protection, but also to ensure their health maintenance.

2017-03-03 00:00:00