Tips and Techniques for Using Horse Grooming Tools

Tips and Techniques for Using Horse Grooming Tools
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Tips and Techniques for Using Horse Grooming Tools

Every horse owner wants to make their horse feel like the star of the show and with the right equine grooming skills you can do so!

Grooming is an essential part of horse care. It’s not only important for how the horse looks but also crucial for maintaining their health.

Regular grooming helps you monitor the well being of your horse as you can detect and external wounds, injuries or irritations. Another reason you should take a little more interest in horse grooming is that it gives you a chance to bond with your horse and you enjoy each other’s presence.

A good horse grooming routine does require a bit of an effort but you can surely spare some minutes before and after the ride to make your horse feel he’s being looked after well.

There is a wide range of tools available that helps you to make your horse look and feel like a champion. Here’s a list to help you start.

Hoof Pick

It’s a must-have item for a horse grooming regimen. Horse’s hooves can pick small stones, dirt or debris that can injure the hoof if it stays stuck. Starting with the heel and moving towards the toe, use a hoof pick to scrape off any foreign material. It is important not to touch the soft V-shaped frog and cleft as it is a sensitive area.

Hoof picks that come with a stiff brush are more effective to brush of smaller dirt particles. Other hoof-care products like disinfectant sprays and conditioners are also available now to keep the hooves smooth and clean.

Curry Combs

If you think just washing a really dirty horse gets the job done---think again!

In addition to washing your horse, you also need to get your hands on curry combs or grooming mitts. These can be traditional oval shaped rubber brushes or newer plastic ones that help in removing mud, dirt and loose hair.

A smaller and soft comb is ideal for the face and large one for the body. Metal curries are also available but their use is highly discouraged as they are harsh and may injure the animal. For best results, curries should be moved in slow circular motions against the direction of hair growth.

You should curry your horse daily as horses enjoy it and it also helps in bringing natural skin oils on to the surface giving them a shiny coat.


A good horse groomer has a variety of brushes each intended for a special cleaning requirement.

A hard bristle brush should be used to start with the neck in short flicking motions, working towards the dock of the tail and then the legs. Medium to soft brushes can then be used to finish off by removing loose dust and hair. For the face, always use a softer brush.

The more labor you put in brushing your horse, the more gleaming would be the results.


At least two clean and damp sponges or soft cloths are needed to wipe off the eyes and clean up the nose. A separate one is required to clean the area beneath the tail.

Tail and Mane Combs

Prior to combing your horse’s tail or mane, it’s a good practice to check for any tangled hair. It is far better to remove any tangles using your fingers rather than directly using a comb as it can result in the hair getting pulled.

Plastic combs are better than the metal ones as they cause less hair breakage. A wider tooth comb is ideal for the tail.

Horse grooming is a tedious but rewarding experience. To get your hand on the best horse grooming tools, kits and equipment, head to Little Fields Farm.