Wormsh!t Worm Casting Infused Soil Additive


Worm Castings are the manure created naturally by earthworms. This kind of soil is scientifically proven to have incredible benefits such as increased plant growth, soil aeration, moisture retention, natural pest resistance and protection from disease. And it's organic!

Wormsh!it Worm Castings are produced in the UK by Norfolk Nutrients. Everything inside Wormsh!t Worm Castings is 100% Organic. The worms are fed on high quality composted bark, with nothing being added at any point in the process. The worms then produce a rich earthly matter, commonly referred to as hummus or vermicompost. The castings are then sieved multiple times to ensure the finest quality worm castings on the market, proven by its light, neutral earthy odour, and dark fluffy appearance.

Wormsh!t has a higher NPK rating than traditional compost. Nitrogen (N) responsible for plant growth and regeneration, Phosphorous (P) focuses energy on strong root development, flowers, fruit and seeds. Potassium (K) enhances overall growth and keeps plants balanced and healthy. Combined with the healthy mix of trace elements, this makes the perfect natural fertiliser for all plants.

Available Quantity: 50 in stock!

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Worm Castings are the manure created naturally by earthworms. This kind of soil is scientifically proven to have incredible benefits such as increased plant growth, soil aeration, moisture retention, natural pest resistance and protection from disease. And it's organic!

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